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Website designing company for fashion and clothing industry

Fashion and clothing website designing

Clothing and fashion is a remarkably creative industry thriving on trends and market preferences. With online clothing portals like Myntra, Shein, and AJIO, more and more people rely on online shopping for all of their clothing needs.

Research about clothes begins with online searches as websites are much more efficient at displaying a plethora of brands and save valuable time. This convenience has compelled businesses to get their own online shopping websites developed.

We develop and maintain visually stunning and functionally effective websites that not only give your customers the convenience they are looking for but also result in greater sales figures. Our teams of digital marketers, content writers, and website developers ensure that your websites are creatively made and efficiently managed.

Creative website designing at ACIL Technologies

Our designers are experienced and tenured which allows them to carry out projects that require design expertise and creative ability. Our dedicated developers offer the best Website Designing Company for Fashion using PHP framework, WordPress, and other Content Management Systems.

Additionally, we equip our websites with advanced listing features and filters that allow visitors or users to take full advantage of the website tools for fast and simple navigation.

Creating functional and impressive designs requires developers to think outside the box and take time to create prototype designs which would then be shortlisted to select the best-looking one that facilitates ease of use and provision of advanced features.

Website designing services offered for fashion and clothing

Color themes: We use vibrant colors that attract attention. Colors that are popular for fashion and clothing websites are used in order to give the website a pleasant look.

Website layout and content display: There has been a change in the way content is displayed on websites these days. We make sure to use updated layouts and things like material designs in order to achieve a clean look while still displaying the content that is essential.

Fewer steps, easy checkout: We streamline the process of ordering an item from the website as careful consideration goes into avoiding unnecessary steps and ensure a speedy checkout process.

Admin panel: Easy to understand admin panel that is not only rich when it comes to the tools it offers but also allows for Customer Relationship Management teams to understand how it works and easily manage the website.

Optimized for PPC campaigns: Our websites are designed keeping in mind the necessary optimizations needed forPay-per-click (PPC) marketing. Our website is optimized for ads to run efficiently.

Services offered for online fashion and clothing websites:

  • Trendy designs and high-quality images:

Our websites are designed with updated designs that allow them to look attractive and drive more traffic. High-quality images ensure the products look appealing to the eye and encourage the user to research more about them.

  • Advanced search algorithms and filters:

Websites designed by us include tools like live search and advanced search filters for users to find exactly what they are looking for based on the brand, color, style, fabric type, size, etc.

  • Impressive looking and professionally made logos:

Our designers are skilled and create beautiful logos that fit well with the overall design of the website with a matching color scheme.

  • WordPress, custom development, and maintenance of websites:

We develop and maintain modern era clothing and fashion websites that are simple to use and easy to maintain. We provide low-cost and value-for-money solutions for website development.

  • SEO services and SMM services:

We provide effective SEO solutions that can boost the traffic on the websites as well as help in the retention of visitors for longer periods of time.

Thinking process of our company for fashion website designing

1. Research:  It involves brainstorming to come with new and innovative ideas and researching about the industry trends.

2. Deciding upon the workflow: After basic research has been laid down as a base, a workflow is decided upon for effective designing.  

3. Prototype development: Design prototypes with different variations are created with the purpose of creating a pool of designs from which a suitable design can be selected. This includes experimental designs that might be selected or rejected based on how well they work. 

4. shortlisting: Designs that are attractive looking and functionally sound are selected and all the others are rejected after a process of scrutinizing each one of them.

5. Final development: The actual website is coded and the selected design is brought to life using HTML coding.

Customized website designing for maximum output:

Designs and website features can be customized according to the need, budgets, and preferences of a particular brand. You will be charged based on the features and the complexity of the website that you want for your brand.

Cost-effective B2B services are offered by us which are oriented towards functionality and customer satisfaction. Good fashion and clothing websites are usually the ones that manage to preserve the maximum functionality and find a balance between function and looks.

Custom quotes are also offered by us. Throughout the years, we have developed an understanding and knowledge of the industry and put this expertise of ours to use when developing high-performing websites.

Better design for bulk order system

When it comes to bulk ordering from a wholesaler, we design websites that allow for seamless transactions of money and goods between the buyer and the seller.

We design our websites in a way that enables a buyer to buy test samples using advanced options and make a purchase for products in bulk.

We provide analytics about the seller powered by our analytics tools in order to for buyers to make an informed decision when purchasing a bulk order. Seller ratings and customer reviews about a seller are prime examples of how cumulative data about a seller can help the buyers gain more information about the seller.

Website elements for fashion websites

Clean and unique design language

Having a clean design means that visitors will be able to find what they are looking for faster and this reduces the time between the user being exposed to the product and making a purchase.

Efficient optimization to reduce load times

It is important to understand how slow websites affect users’ experience and can make them leave the website altogether. Optimization allows for the detection and elimination of issues that hinder the website’s speed.

Mobile friendly interface

As mobile devices display increased graphical capabilities each year with new technologies and screen sizes, it is possible to run visually stunning interfaces on mobile devices. It is also important to optimize your website according to different aspect ratios.

Provision for new features

Website designs should be updated with new features based on the industry standards like graphical interfaces to ‘virtually try’ clothes online.

Support for risk-free maintenance

Maintaining a website that is updated with new content constantly can be challenging. We offer services for website maintenance for uninterrupted and risk-free website operation.

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